Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Battery Use and Care Tips

  • Keep batteries in a dry place at normal room temperature. DO NOT REFRIGERATE. This will not make them last longer. Most batteries will provide dependable long life even after five years of storage in these conditions.
  • Keep battery contact surfaces and battery compartment contacts clean by rubbing them with a clean pencil eraser or a rough cloth each time you replace batteries.
  • Remove batteries from a device when it is not expected to be in use for several months.
  • Removed batteries from equipment while it is being powered by household (AC) current.
  • Extreme temperatures reduce battery performance. Avoid putting battery-powered devices in very warm place.

Courtesy Duracell and Costco Household Almanac


Tyson and Heather said...

Interesting, thanks for the tip--thought to put in fridge still!

Jenn said...

thanks for the info

*** said...

Wow, good to know. G&G's example of storing in the fridge is a waste...I'll pull mine out tonight. Thanks!!

Katie said...

Do you still love your Kone? There are some negative review about it on amazon, like the exhaust scatters the stuff you are trying to clean up, too loud, filter is hard to clean, etc. Do you still think it is a Have to HAVE?

The George's said...

I love my Kone. I just bought one for my Mom. It does blow a little when you are vacumming, but not bad. It's a little loud, but it's a vacumm. I use our shop vac to clean the filter about every three times I empty. I love it and recommend to everyone with kids and a house.